Welcome to Preboye Tutors E-Learning
We pride ourselves on the delivery of a Language and Culture tutoring service based on your needs while utilizing standard teaching methods to teach over every age range, including basic and advanced levels.
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Preboye Tutors Proficiency Test for Grammar, Reading and Writing.
This proficiency test is designed to measure your proficiency in the grammar, reading and writing of the Yoruba Language; an integral part of learning and understanding the language.
Preboye Tutors Proficiency Test for Literature, History and Culture.
Understanding the Yoruba Language without a knowledge of its Literature, History and Culture is not enough, as it is an integral part of the Language, this proficiency test will help you recognize what proficiency category you fall in.
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Benefits of learning with Preboye Tutors
We reach out to students all around the world through a one-on-one tutorial service and provide a custom digital learning environment.
Professionally Taught Courses
Quizzes and Q&A with our Tutors
Experienced Teachers
Our Tutors are the best
One of the key e-learning teaching methods used by our tutors is adaptive learning. This approach uses personalized assessments to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing our tutors to tailor their lessons and materials to meet the unique needs of each student. This helps students progress more quickly and efficiently through their studies.
Our tutors also use a variety of multimedia tools to create interactive and engaging lessons. They incorporate video and audio elements, as well as interactive quizzes and games, to help students stay engaged and motivated throughout their studies.
In addition, our tutors offer flexible scheduling and on-demand support to help students learn at their own pace. Whether you need help with a particular topic or require ongoing support throughout your studies, our tutors are always available to assist you.